We use advanced encryption algorithms to safeguard your data. A unique encryption key is generated for each browser profile based on your device and profileinformation, ensuring secure storage of your browser data
With end-to-end encryption enabled, a local key is generated based on your profiles you know this key. This key encrypts the data within your profile,and only you can decrypt and access it. Even MoreLogin cannot access this data.However, if the key is lost, the data will be permanently inaccessible andunrecoverable by anyone.
During browser use, data such as extensions and cookies are stored locally on your computer. Due to open-source nature the of the Chromium engine, these files can beat risk if your computer is compromised. MoreLogin encrypts local data files,ensuring that even if they are stolen, they cannot be used in other browsers. We’vecreated a demonstration video using extension data as an example:Demo Video
To enhance account security, 2FA is enabled by default for teams. Users must pass two-factorauthentication when logging in from a new device or after 30 days since their last 2FA. Administratorscan also require 2FA for every login if needed
To minimize the risks associated with multi-device logins, MoreLogin only allows one device to belogged in at a time. lf a new login occurs on another device, the original device will be automaticallylogged out and notified immediately
Even if all login details are correct, MoreLogin will send an email alert when logging in from an unfamiliarenvironment, providing critical information for tracking any potential risks
When setting a password, MoreLogin checks its strength to ensure it meets security standards and encrypts it with an irreversible algorithm, preventing breaches. Additionally, login tokens are device-bound, rendering them useless if leaked. The client software also limits incorrect login attempts to prevent brute-force attacks